Original Fendi Products
Fendi has come a long way from selling high quality bags and furs. They have now expanded into Fendi Women, Fendi Men, Fendi Kids and Fendi Casa. These are a wide range of luxury items include clothing, bags, shoes, watches, sunglasses, fragrances and sofas.

They also accept made to order products such as guitar cases and travel cases. These things do cost a pretty penny. However, when you do purchase a Fendi product, you know you are not only paying for the name but for quality craftsmanship too. Their shoes are very comfortable, given the kind of leather used. And the clutches and bags have their own distinct style and personality. The Fendi Casa collection is all about comfortable and luxurious sofas. Special orders are also accepted such as personalized chairs. The logo of Fendi is the double F and is easily recognized all over the world.

New Replica Fendi Bags Replica Fendi Handbags

Fendi bags are iconic in nature. They are classy and timeless and that is why they are easily replicated. Original Fendi handbags come with a hefty price. They usually retail at about $500 upwards.

For example the Fendi Selleria bag sells at $ 1,800 in stores. Replica Fendi handbags on the other hand sell for only $200 below. Now that is a good deal right? So long as you choose the handbag similar to the original, you can get away with it. But do your research and get the knockoff bag that is produced by Fendi. Not the one stamped with the Fendi name or last season’s “it” bag.

Fake monogram Fendi bags are still being sold in stores even though it was launched several years ago. Many people buy these cheap items because they know that the brand is a symbol of quality and style.

Latest Replica Handbags
Buying a Fendi handbag will set you back over a thousand dollars. Buying a replica Fendi at $200 is a great deal especially if you choose high quality knockoffs that look genuine. 
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